Openapi is Sponsor of Smau 2023! Fix your appointment with us

Find us in Milan on 18 and 19 October, with a personalised stand

Informazioni Finanziarie

  • Author: Francesca Columbu
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  • Date: 08/09/2023
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  • Reading time: 2 min

We are happy to announce that Openapi is sponsor of Smau 2023, the reference event in Italy on innovation and startups.

The event will be held in Milan at FieraMilanoCity on 18 and 19 October and we at Openapi will be present with a customised stand! So you can fix your appointment with our team and get all the information you need about the API world and the services available on our marketplace You can find the booking link here.

We really want to be there because it's a great event, during which we will have the opportunity to meet new companies and start-ups, with whom we will exchange ideas and proposals, and with whom we may even start new partnerships.

The Smau in Milan is of great importance in Italy, as it offers the opportunity for corporations, investors, enablers and other start-ups from all over the world to discover ready-to-market solutions. There will be more than 150 start-ups, leading Italian companies and groups, e.g. Snam, Edison, Iren, Ferrovie dello Stato, Barilla, Angelini Industries, Michelin, and many other highly innovative companies.

During the two days there will be more than 50 free workshops, as well as networking events and a rich programme of Live Shows for each sector: in 50 minutes it will be possible to get in touch with the innovation experiences of companies and organisations that will receive the Smau Innovation Award during the event.

In short, many moments not to be missed. We look forward to seeing you in Milan!

Openapi is Sponsor of Smau 2023! Fix your appointment with us

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