Search Person (Cadastre)

  • Openapi Evasione : 3 Minutes
  • Openapi starting from € 0,10 + vat

Get a list of a subject's properties in a province in minutes

More than 20 pieces of information such as typology, class, size, owner's name and ownership in minutes

Esempio Search Person (Cadastre)

The Search Person service belongs to the Cadastre API and allows access to updated information on properties owned by a subject in a specific province.

The service is identified by the endpoint

Search can be performed for both private and legal subjects, for both building and land cadastral types, or for both simultaneously.

EXAMPLE REQUEST POST /ricerca_persona

The method to use in the request is POST and here is an example of a call to the ricerca_persona (search person) endpoint:


The parameters to pass in the request body are:

  • Tax Code or VAT Number
  • cadastral type (T for land or F for Building)
  • province

This is an example of the parameters required for a request with 'Building' (Fabbricato in Italian) as cadastral type:

      "cf_piva": "12485671007",    
      "tipo_catasto": "F",
      "provincia": "RM",


The response is asynchronous. It is possible to set a callback during the request phase to be updated when the data is available, without having to call the GET /richiesta/{id} endpoint multiple times to check its status.

EXAMPLE RESPONSE POST /ricerca_persona

The response will include the parameters used in the request along with the request ID: 

  "data": {
    "endpoint": "ricerca_persona",
    "stato": "in_erogazione",
    "callback": false,
    "parametri": {
      "cf_piva": "12485671007",      
      "tipo_catasto": "F",
      "provincia": "ROMA Territorio-RM"      
    "risultato": null,
    "esito": null,
    "timestamp": 1716374985,
    "owner": "[email protected]",
    "id": "664dcdc97de11b2d0426430f"
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null


EXAMPLE REQUEST GET /richiesta/{id}

To obtain the data, it will be necessary to make a second request, as mentioned earlier, to another endpoint using the previously obtained ID.

This is an example of a search person request using the ID obtained from the previous call (664dcdc97de11b2d0426430f):



EXAMPLE RESPONSE GET /richiesta/{id}

Again, the data in the response will include the parameters used in the request and information about the properties or lands compatible with the search. 

If the search has been carried out on the building cadastral type, the information will be as follows:

  • owner's name or denomination
  • address
  • owner's tax code
  • property type
  • subject ID
  • ownership
  • address (location)
  • municipality
  • cadastral code
  • classification
  • class
  • size
  • income
  • property_id

 This is an example of response:

  "data": {
    "endpoint": "ricerca_persona",
    "stato": "evasa",
    "callback": false,
    "parametri": {
      "cf_piva": "12485671007",
      "tipo_catasto": "F",
      "provincia": "ROMA Territorio-RM"     
    "risultato": {
      "soggetti": [
             "denominazione": "OPENAPI SRL con sede in ROMA (RM)",
             "sede": "ROMA (RM)",
             "cf": "12485671007",
             "id_soggetto": "1111efff3cwxwewecwfdwedwqddwwed",
             "immobili": [
                  "catasto": "F
                  "titolarita": "Proprieta' superficiaria per 1/1",
                  "ubicazione": "ROMA VIALE FILIPPO TOMMASO MARINETTI, SNC Piano S2 int. 1",
                  "comune": "ROMA",
                  "provincia": "RM",
                  "codice_catastale": "H501",
                  "sezione": null,
                  "sezione_urbana": null,
                  "foglio": 872,
                  "particella": 405,
                  "subalterno": 48,
                  "classamemto": "zona6 cat. A/10",        
                  "classe": "1",
                  "consistenza": "3,5 vani",
                  "rendita": "Euro:108,09",
                  "id_immobile": "saf1sf9djosaj0asdaljf93jfjkdkjsòfrjòjsdfòajdsòjfòsjf"          
    "esito": "OK",
    "timestamp": 1625232029,
    "owner": "[email protected]",
    "id": "60e581c58138e80d804dad20"
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null

In the response, the IDs of the properties/lands and the subject ID will also be available, which can be used to make a direct request for cadastral certificate (ordinary or historical) with the dedicated endpoint.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

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  • 100 API calls/month (pay monthly) € 0,28 + vat
  • 100 API calls/month (pay annually) € 0,25 + vat
  • 300 API calls/month (pay monthly) € 0,25 + vat
  • 300 API calls/month (pay annually) € 0,20 + vat
  • 1.000 API calls/month (pay monthly) € 0,20 + vat
  • 1.000 API calls/month (pay annually) € 0,15 + vat
  • 5.000 API calls/month (pay monthly) € 0,15 + vat
  • 5.000 API calls/month (pay annually) € 0,10 + vat
  • 10.000 API calls/year (pay annually) € 0,25 + vat
  • 25.000 API calls/year (pay annually) € 0,20 + vat