Square Meter Value

  • Openapi Delivery : Immediate
  • Openapi starting from € 0,04 + vat

Obtain through API the sale or rental value of any property in the national territory.

The Square Meter Value tool is the fundamental tool for any effective property valuation and is ideal as a tool for Real Estate Networks or Portals.

Esempio Square Meter Value

The Real Estate Quotes (Square Meter Value) service makes it possible to obtain values of properties at a given address in a few seconds, enriched with in-depth real estate, area demographic and market information.

The service is part of the Real Estate API and consists of two endpoints: Start and Advanced.

The data required to obtain the quotations are:

  • address
  • type of property (for)
  • type of contract (rent or sale)


  "address": "via del rivo 10 Terni",
  "for": "20",
  "type": "rent"


The complete list of property types ("for") is available in the technical documentation.

1) SQUARE METER VALUE START (/IT-sqm_value_start)

The quotation start (square meter value start) endpoint is: https://realestate.openapi.com/IT-sqm_value_start

The quotation start response returns 3 different values of the property: low, medium, high. The value is expressed per square meter and refers to the last semester.

The dataset is correlated with information on the area where the property is located, such as neighbourhood name, band (e.g. semi-central), coordinates, property type and unique code.

    "data": {
      "id": "5f842846568fa1575d602c1d",
      "nome": "Borgo Rivo, Campitello, Gabelletta, Citta Verde, Ponte Le Cave",
      "citta": "Terni",
      "cod_cat": "L117",
      "provincia": "TR",
      "regione": "Umbria",
      "fascia": "semicentrale",
      "address": "via del rivo 10 Terni",
      "formatted": "Via del Rivo, 10, 05100 Terni TR, Italia",
      "loc2011": "5503210016",
      "coordinate": {
        "lat": 42.57712,
        "lng": 12.62637
      "immobile": {
        "type": "Abitazioni in stabili civili",
        "label": "Valori di Vendita Abitazioni in stabili civili al Mq",
        "id": 20
      "quotazione": {
        "min": 783,
        "max": 1145,
        "med": 964,
        "type": "sale,"
        "anno": 2023,
        "semestre": 2
      "timestamp": 602496534,
      "success": true,
      "message": "",
      "error": null


 It is possible to obtain the value in square metres for both rental and sale for 13 different types of real estate.

2) SQUARE METER VALUE ADVANCED (/IT-sqm_value_advanced)

The Square Meter Value Advanced endpoint is: https://realestate.openapi.com/IT-sqm_value_advanced.

The Square Meter Value Advanced service allows the start dataset to be enriched with more in-depth real estate data, real estate market trends and demographic information about the area.


    "data": {
     "nome": "Borgo Rivo, Campitello, Gabelletta, Citta Verde, Ponte Le Cave",
      "citta": "Terni",
      "cod_cat": "L117",
      "provincia": "TR",
      "regione": "Umbria",
      "fascia": "semicentrale",
      "address": "via del rivo 10 Terni",
      "formatted": "Via del Rivo, 10, 05100 Terni TR, Italia",
      "loc2011": "5503210016",
      "coordinate": {
        "lat": 42.57712,
        "lng": 12.62637
      "immobile": {
        "type": "Abitazioni in stabili civili",
        "label": "Valori di Vendita Abitazioni in stabili civili al Mq",
        "id": 20
      "quotazione": {
        "min": 783,
        "max": 1145,
        "med": 964,
        "type": "sale,"
      "ripartizione_annunci": {
        "vendita": {
          "1": {
            "tipologia": Appartamenti,
            "pecentuale": "75.52,"     
          "2": {
            "tipologia": Locali ed Uffici,
            "pecentuale": "12.59,"     
          "3": {
            "tipologia": Ville e Villini,
            "pecentuale": "6.29,"     
          "14": {
            "tipologia": Box e Garage,
            "pecentuale": "5.59,"     
          "1": {
            "tipologia": Box e Garage,
            "pecentuale": "5.59,"     
        "2": {
          "tipologia": "Locali ed Uffici",
          "percentuale": 36.59
        "14": {
          "tipologia": "Box e Garage",
          "percentuale": 12.2
    "dimensioni": [
        "label": "0-50 Mq",
        "percentuale": 12.04
        "label": "50-85 Mq",
        "percentuale": 27.78
        "label": "85-115 Mq",
        "percentuale": 12.96
        "label": "115-145 Mq",
        "percentuale": 11.11
        "label": "Oltre 145 Mq",
        "percentuale": 36.11
    "capoluoghi_vendite_zona": {
      "2019": {
        "num_abitazioni_zona": "4451",
        "numero_abitazioni_vendute": "190",
        "perc_variazione_annuale": "67.770",
        "dinamicita_mercato_residenziale": molto alta"
      "2020": {
        "num_abitazioni_zona": "4451",
        "numero_abitazioni_vendute": "105",
        "perc_variazione_annuale": "-44.65",
        "dinamicita_mercato_residenziale": "Medio alta"
      "2021": {
        "num_abitazioni_zona": "4451",
        "numero_abitazioni_vendute": "144",
        "perc_variazione_annuale": "37.086",
        "dinamicita_mercato_residenziale": "alta"
      "2022": {
        "num_abitazioni_zona": "4679",
        "numero_abitazioni_vendute": "139",
        "perc_variazione_annuale": "-3.4722",
        "dinamicita_mercato_residenziale": "medio alta"
    "demografico": {
      "pop": {
        "media_componenti_famiglia": "2.19",
        "dimensione_nuclei_familiari": "medi",
        "livello_anzianita": "medio basso",
        "livello_istruzione": "superiore alla media",
        "livello_disoccupazione": "bassa"
      "stock": {
        "abitanti_per_edificio": "18.41",
        "abitazioni_per_edificio": "8.29",
        "prc_edifici_produttivi_commerciali": "17.000",
        "prc_edifici_residenziali": "81.000",
        "mq_abitazione_media": "100.02",
        "prc_abitazioni_di_proprieta": "73.000",
        "prc_abitazioni_vuote_o_2_case": "7.000"
      "geo": {
        "id": "282",
        "loc2011": "5809112",
        "id_provincia": "86",
        "cod_cat": "H501",
        "tipo_localita": "Municipio",
        "nome_localita": "XII Municipio",
        "altitudine": "0"
      "rischio_sismico": "medio",
      "capoluogo": [
          "media_num_abitazioni_zona": "4586.2857",
          "media_numero_abitazioni_vendute": "139.4286",
          "dinamicita_mercato_residenziale": "alta"
    "tempistiche": [
          "label": "0 50 Mq",
          "media_giorni": 169
          "label": "50 85 Mq",
          "media_giorni": 178
          "label": "85 115 Mq",
          "media_giorni": 150
          "label": "115 145 Mq",
          "media_giorni": 161
          "label": "Oltre 145 Mq",
          "media_giorni": 145
      "timestamp": 602496534,
      "success": true,
      "message": "",
      "error": null

Square Meter Value Advanced, as anticipated, offers a range of enriched real estate information compared to the start, such as

  • Population and dwellings per building
  • Average square meters per dwelling
  • Seismic risk
  • Percentage of dwellings in commercial properties
  • Percentage of residential dwellings
  • Percentage of dwellings owned by area
  • Percentage unused dwellings
  • Average square metres of dwelling in area
  • Number of dwellings in the area (only available in main towns)

The Quotations Advanced dataset is also enriched with information on housing market trends and demographic data, such as

  • Average number of household members
  • Level of seniority
  • Level of education
  • Level of unemployment
  • Percentage of property listings for sale by type
  • Percentage of rental property ads by type
  • Breakdown of property listings by size

The Real Estate API also offers the Real Market Value service, which provides information on the actual buying and selling within a given area.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

  • Square Meter Value Start € 2,00 + vat
  • Square Meter Value Advanced € 3,00 + vat

Subscribe and save

  • 300 API requests / year (pay annually) € 1,50 + vat
  • 1.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,75 + vat
  • 5.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,35 + vat
  • 10.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,25 + vat
  • 50.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,15 + vat
  • 100.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,10 + vat
  • 500.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,04 + vat
  • 300 API requests / year (pay annually) € 2,50 + vat
  • 5.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,45 + vat
  • 10.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,35 + vat
  • 50.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,20 + vat
  • 100.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,15 + vat
  • 500.000 API requests / year (pay annually) € 0,05 + vat