Services for Real Estate Agencies

  • Openapi Delivery : 2 hours
  • Openapi starting from € 8,30 + vat

Discover all the services for Real Estate Agencies, available in a few hours via API.

Real Estate Monitoring, House File, copy of the Notarial Deed and more: these are the Openapi services dedicated to real estate agents.

Esempio Services for Real Estate Agencies

The services dedicated to Real Estate Agencies are:

  • Real Estate Monitoring 6 Months and 12 Months
  • Certified Announcement
  • House File
  • Copy of the Notarial deed

Real Estate Monitoring

The Real Estate Monitoring service allows you to verify cadastral changes regarding a property of interest and is a fundamental tool to identify any situations of "overshooting". The service is available for 3 and 6 months.

Certificate Announcement and House File

The House File and the Certificate Announcement are the perfect solutions to present properties in a comprehensive manner and to manage a mediation or make a sale without risk.

The Certificate Announcement allows you to obtain with a single request all the information present in the Historical Cadastral Certificate, Cadastral Planimetry and Hypocatastral Certificate for Real Estate.

The House File allows you to obtain with a single request all the cadastral data and variations of the property, the cadastral plan, the detailed description of the characteristics of the building and the building and the building map.

Copy Notarial deed

The service allows you to obtain a copy of a deed of sale, sale, mortgage opening, mortgage cancellation, donation, inheritance or real estate foreclosure stipulated by a notary public and registered at the Conservatories of Real Estate Registers throughout Italy or at the Notarial Archives.


Our prices

Price list for single API calls

  • Real estate monitoring 6 months € 8,30 + vat
  • Real estate monitoring 12 months € 12,70 + vat
  • Copy of Notarial Deed € 18,70 + vat
  • Certified Real Estate Ad € 19,70 + vat
  • Home File € 16,70 + vat