Metropolitan Cities

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Get the updated list of all Italian metropolitan cities.

Access metropolitan city data in real time and via API.

Esempio Metropolitan Cities

The Metropolitan Cities service belongs to the API ZIP Codes and allows you to check and obtain the list of metropolitan cities.

It is identified by the endpoint: GETà_metropolitane

The service allows obtaining the list of metropolitan cities with the following corresponding data:

  • Name
  • Capital
  • Population
  • Surface Area
  • Density


EXAMPLE REQUEST /città_metropolitane

Metropolitan Cities does not require any search parameter:


EXAMPLE RESPONSE /metropolitan_cities

This is an example of response:


  "data": [
      "denominazione": "MESSINA",
      "capoluogo": "Messina"
      "popolazione": 631297,
      "superficie": 3266,
      "densita": 193,
      "num_comuni": 108
     "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "error": null

Our prices

Price list for single API calls