The Cadastral Certificate allows you to consult the information registered in the Land Registry regarding a property (building or land) or a subject and in particular presents the following information:
- the identification and income data of real estate (census area, category, class, consistency and income)
- the personal data of the person(s) who owns the real estate (name, date and place of birth, tax code and real fees and charges)
The Cadastral Certificate is not available for the provinces of Trento and Bolzano because they are managed by their respective autonomous provinces.
"data": {
"nome_visura": "Visura Catastale Immobiliare Ordinaria",
"nome_categoria": "Catastali",
"json_struttura": {
"campi": {
"$0": {
"nome": "Tipo di Catasto",
"tipo": "radiobutton",
"null": true,
"istruzioni": "Inserire la tipologia di catasto: Fabbricato o Terreno"
"$1": {
"nome": "Codice Fiscale",
"tipo": "codice_fiscale",
"null": false,
"istruzioni": "Inserire il Codice Fiscale del soggetto",
"ordine": "1"
"$2": {
"nome": "Provincia",
"tipo": "provincia",
"null": false,
"istruzioni": "Inserire Provincia",
"ordine": "1"
"$2": {
"nome": "Comune",
"tipo": "comune",
"null": false,
"istruzioni": "Inserire Comune",
"ordine": "1"
"validazione": "$0 && $1 && $2 || $3 ",
"istruzioni": "PHA+UGVyIHJpY2hpZWRlcmUgbGEgVmlzdXJhIENhbWVyYWxlIE9yZGluYXJpYSAtIFNvY2lldCZhZ3JhdmU7IGRpIENhcGl0YWxlIGluc2VyaXNjaSB1bm8gZGVpIHNlZ3VlbnRpIGRhdGk6Jm5ic3A7bGEgPHN0cm9uZz5EZW5vbWluYXppb25lIC8gUmFnaW9uZSBzb2NpYWxlPC9zdHJvbmc+Jm5ic3A7b3BwdXJlIGxhIDxzdHJvbmc+UGFydGl0YSBJVkEgLyBDb2RpY2UgRmlzY2FsZTwvc3Ryb25nPjwvcD4NCg==",
"istruzioni_ricerca": ""
"ricerca": "1",
"prezzo_visura": 0,
"prezzo_ricerca": 0,
"hash_visura": "eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3"
"success": true,
"message": """,
"error": null
a) Cadastral survey on property
In order to make the request, it is necessary to indicate the entity, i.e. whether the visura is on real estate or subject, and the type of visura: ordinary or historical. The applicant is optional. In addition to these two values common to both views it will also be necessary to indicate for the view on a property the property id that can be obtained through the searches indicated in the previous methods.
"entita": "immobile",
"id_immobile": "MTY1NjcyOCMxNjU2NzI4I0YjODcyIzQwNSNINTAxIzIyNTkyNjkjNDgjICNST01B",
"tipo_visura": "ordinaria",
"richiedente": "jane doe"
The request for an ordinary or historical cadastral view by property can be made without a search using the following values: province, municipality, sheet, parcel, sub-parcel.
"entita": "immobile",
"tipo_catasto": "f",
"provincia": "rm",
"comune": "roma",
"foglio": 872,
"particella": 405,
"subalterno": 48,
"tipo_visura": "ordinaria",
"richiedente": "jane doe"
The response to both request methods will be:
"data": {
"entita": "immobile",
"stato": "in_erogazione",
"callback": false,
"parametri": {
"id_immobile": "MTY1NjcyOCMxNjU2NzI4I0YjODcyIzQwNSNINTAxIzIyNTkyNjkjNDgjICNST01B",
"tipo_catasto": "F",
"foglio": 872,
"particella": 405,
"subalterno": 48,
"comune": "H501#ROMA#4#0",
"sezione": "2259269",
"provincia": "ROMA Territorio-RM"
"tipo_visura": "ordinaria",
"richiedente": "jane doe",
"documento": null,
"esito": null,
"timestamp": 1653489879,
"owner": "[email protected]",
"id": "628e40d77ee3b06fb03350ca"
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
b) Cadastral survey on subject
Also in this case, in order to make the request it is necessary to indicate the entity (subject) and the type of visura: ordinary or historical. We remind you that the cadastral survey on subject can be carried out on both private individuals and companies. The applicant is always optional.
"entita": "soggetto",
"tipo_visura": "ordinaria",
"tipo_catasto": "f",
"richiedente": "jane doe"
The subject ID can be obtained through person search. The request can also be made directly through the following parameters: Tax Code (Private) / VAT Number (Company), Land Registry Type Land, Building, Land and Building, Province.
"entita": "soggetto",
"tipo_catasto": "f",
"cf_piva": "12485671007",
"provincia": "rm",
"richiedente": "jane doe"
The response will be:
"data": {
"entita": "soggetto",
"stato": "in_erogazione",
"callback": false,
"parametri": {
"id_soggetto": "MTY1NjcyOCMxNjU2NzI4I0YjODcyIzQwNSNINTAxIzIyNTkyNjkjNDgjICNST01B",
"tipo_catasto": "F",
"cf_piva": "12485671007",
"provincia": "ROMA Territorio-RM"
"tipo_visura": "ordinaria",
"richiedente": "jane doe",
"documento": null,
"esito": null,
"timestamp": 1653489879,
"owner": "[email protected]",
"id": "628e40d77ee3b06fb03350ca"
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
For both types of surveys (visura), once the request ID has been obtained, it will be possible to check the detail at any time via the GET /visura_catastale/{id} method or once processed download the visura document via the GET /visura_catastale/{id}/document.
It is possible to obtain a list of all requests made via the GET /visura_catastale method.
Cadastral surveys are asynchronous and it takes on average a few minutes from the completion of the request for the document to be available.
What is the Cadastral Certificate for?
The Cadastral Certificate allows you to verify the correspondence between cadastral data in the Revenue Agency database and the current state of the property. It is also a fundamental tool to correctly complete practices such as Model 730 or Unique Model, to obtain the data on the cadastral rent and therefore the correctness of the taxes on the property and is necessary in some transactions such as sale, lease and succession.