Municipalities Advanced

  • Openapi Evasione : Immediate
  • Openapi starting from € 0,0066 + vat

Get more than 20 pieces of information about Italian municipalities using the ISTAT code.

Access up-to-date data on Italian municipalities in real-time via API.

Esempio Municipalities Advanced

The Municipalities Advanced service is part of the API ZIP Codes and allows you to verify, obtain and update the information associated with an Italian municipality using the ISTAT code.

It is identified by the endpoint GET{istat_code}

The service allows you to obtain more than 20 pieces of information about any Italian city:

  • City name
  • Region
  • Province
  • Postal code (CAP)
  • Prefix
  • Fiscal code (cadastral)
  • Area
  • Number of residents
  • Inhabitants' name
  • Patron saint's name and date
  • Municipal office address
  • Previous ISTAT code (if any)
  • Province abbreviation
  • Email
  • Certified email (PEC/REM)
  • Phone
  • FAX
  • Hamlets

As mentioned above, the starting parameter is the ISTAT code, which can be obtained free of charge via our API service Search Municipalities.


REQUEST EXAMPLE /comuni_advance/{istat_code}

This is an example request using the ISTAT code 58091:


RESPONSE EXAMPLE /comuni_advance/{istat_code}

This is an example of a response to the request with the ISTAT code 58091:

        "data": {
          "istat": "58091",
          "comune": "Roma",
          "regione": "Lazio",
          "provincia": "Roma",
          "prefisso": "06",
          "cod_fisco": "H501",
          "superficie": 1308,
          "num_residenti": 2770226,
          "nome_abitanti": "Romani",
          "patrono": {
            "nome": "SS. Pietro e Paolo",
            "data": "29 giugno"
          "municipio": {
            "municipio": "Via del Campidoglio"
          "istat_old": null,
          "sigla_provincia": "RM",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "pec": "[email protected]",
          "tel": "+39 06/67102001",
          "fax": "+39 06/67103590",
          "frazioni": [
          "Borgo Lotti",
          "cap": [
        "success": true,
        "message": "",
        "error": null

The response will include the complete list of hamlets and ZIP codes associated with the given ISTAT code.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

Subscribe and save

  • 2.000 API calls/years (pay annually) € 0,0330 + vat
  • 10.000 API calls/years (pay annually) € 0,0275 + vat
  • 50.000 API calls/years (pay annually) € 0,022 + vat
  • 200.000 API calls/years (pay annually) € 0,011 + vat
  • 500.000 API calls/years (pay annually) € 0,0066 + vat