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Price list for single API calls
- Paying Bills € 0,00 + vat
Integrates bill payment system via API
Bollettini service allows you to pay any postal or bank bill in real time
The Bollettini service allows to integrate via API the payment service for any type of postal or bank bill (e.g., MAV, RAV, pagoPA, Bollo Auto, type 896).
The service consists of 3 endpoints that allow you to pay the bill, retrieve the list of requests made, and obtain the details of a specific payment request.
The endpoint for creating the bulletin payment form is POST ws.pagasubito.it/pay/{endpoint}
The "endpoint" value should be populated with the type of bill to be paid, e.g. RAV, MAV, etc. The values given are only as examples; the full list is available in the technical documentation.
This is an example of a call for RAV bill payment:
POST https://ws.pagasubito.it/pay/rav
It will be necessary to pass in the body of the request a set of values. The values depend on the type of service to be paid, for example for RAV payment will be email, amount and RAV code, while for pagoPA in addition to email will also be needed the PA (Public Administration) entity number and of the PA notice.
To check the required fields for each type of service we refer to the technical documentation.
"email": "[email protected]",
"importo": 123.12,
"codice_rav": "12121212121212120",
"callback": {
"url": "https://your_domain.it/your_callback.php",
"method": "POST",
"field": "data",
"headers": {
"session_id": "oiwejdf89453urf945jfg"
We remind you that in the request phase you can also set up a callback to get a response when the report with the payment status is final will be available.
The response will be the request id and the link to the form to complete the request.
"id": "6489ca34bf95b3541e0ccb25",
"payment_url": "https://test.ws.pagasubito.it/payment/6489ca34bf95b3541e0ccb25"
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
Completion of payment will be made by Credit Card directly from the form.
It is possible to obtain the list of all requests made via the endpoint GET ws.pagasubito.it/pay
POST https://ws.pagasubito.it/pay/
The response will be the list of bills made with the requested id, payment type, amount and timestamp (date of request).
"data": [
"_id": "6481f66cf2129e73020e2e5d",
"type": "pagopa",
"importo": "0.00",
"timestamp": "1686238828014"
"_id": "6481f5cbd503bfa6cf061192",
"type": "mav",
"importo": "123.12",
"timestamp": "1686238667307"
"_id": "6481f66cf2129e73020e2e5d",
"type": "rav",
"importo": "123.12",
"timestamp": "1686238526070"
"_id": "6481f506b5fc59ab15049fe4",
"type": "896",
"importo": "123.12",
"timestamp": "1686238470629"
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
It is possible to obtain information about a single request made via the endpoint GET ws.pagasubito.it/pay/{id} where the ID value is the request identification value and is retrievable via the endpoint GET /pay/
GET https://ws.pagasubito.it/pay/{id}
The response will contain information entered at the payment stage and details of the payment status.
"data": [
"_id": "6481f66cf2129e73020e2e5d",
"email": "[email protected]",
"cognome": "",
"nome": "",
"telefono": "",
"ente_pa": "134553",
"avviso_pa": "2489567",
"type": "pagopa",
"timestamp": "1686238526070",
"owner": "[email protected]",
"report": {
"payment_status": "OK",
"payment_id": "12020000340229",
"email": "[email protected]",
"payment_date": "2020-04-06 17:23:10",
"total_amount": "123.12",
"ente_pa": "134553",
"avviso_pa": "2489567"
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
It's it is possible to obtain the receipt of a payment via endpoint GET /pay/{id}/receipt
GET https://ws.pagasubito.it/pay/{id}/ricevuta
The response will be a pdf with the following information:
For example, the service has been integrated on service portals, private post offices, and mass retailers for payment at checkouts.