Patronage Work and Pensions

  • Openapi Delivery : 24 hours
  • Openapi starting from € 5,30 + vat

All Patronato and CAF services and practices available via API.

Integrate your platform with all the services offered by the Patronage and Tax Assistance Centres, from ISEE to NASpI, from Children Bonus to 730 and many more.

Esempio Patronage Work and Pensions

Thanks to Openapi it is possible to integrate and request all Patronage and Tax Assistance Centres services via API. These services are dedicated to all the subjects of the working world: Workers, Entrepreneurs, Retired and Unemployed.

In particular, the services for Work and Pensions available via OpenApi service are the following:

  • Children Bonus 
  • Family allowance for relatives (income support for families of employees or retired employees whose households are made up of more than one person and whose income is lower than that determined each year by law)
  • Old-age pension (economic benefit provided in favor of employees and self-employed, enrolled in the general compulsory insurance)
  • Public Digital Identity System (unique digital identity that allows every citizen to access the online services of the Public Administration)
  • Civilian Invalid templates (mandatory annual declaration for civil invalids and recipients of social allowance or pension)
  • Income Tax Statement Retired (document certifying the incomes of those who receive pension, social security, welfare and income support benefits the emoluments paid in the reference tax year)
  • Contribution statement (document that lists all contributions - notional and redemption - paid to the National Social Welfare Institution in favor of the worker)
  • OBIS-M (the document where it is possible to record the amount of the pension in payment every month with the related tax and union deductions)
  • Financial Package (service dedicated to all the retired people who have to apply for financing such as the transfer of the fifth)
  • Telematic Voluntary Resignation (includes only voluntary resignation and not resignation with just cause)
  • Public Digital Identity System (unique digital identity that allows every citizen to access the online services of the Public Administration

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

  • ISEE - Equivalent Economic Status Indicator € 12,70 + vat
  • Current ISEE € 12,70 + vat
  • ISEE - Residential Social and Healthcare € 12,70 + vat
  • Rectification ISEE € 11,70 + vat
  • Income Tax Return (730 Form) € 25,70 + vat
  • Joint Tax Return (730 Form) € 25,70 + vat
  • Telematic Voluntary Resignation € 22,00 + vat
  • Telematic Voluntary Resignation Revocation € 22,00 + vat
  • New Social Insurance for Employment € 12,70 + vat
  • New Social Insurance for Employment COM € 12,70 + vat
  • New Social Insurance for Employment Advance € 12,70 + vat
  • Contributions Replenishment € 20,70 + vat
  • Disability Allowance Request € 19,70 + vat
  • Calculation and forecast of the pension € 30,00 + vat
  • Survivors' Pension € 20,70 + vat
  • Old-age Pension € 12,70 + vat
  • Income Tax Statement Retired € 8,30 + vat
  • Contribution statement € 8,30 + vat
  • OBIS-M € 10,30 + vat
  • Parental leave € 14,70 + vat
  • Compensation for extraordinary leave (law 104) € 21,00 + vat
  • Single child allowance € 19,00 + vat
  • Maternity Allowance € 12,70 + vat
  • Ransom of military service € 21,00 + vat
  • Civilian Invalid templates € 5,30 + vat
  • IMU € 14,70 + vat