Report Person Top

  • Openapi Evasione : 10 Days
  • Openapi starting from € 18,00 + vat

Obtain report person with residence and domicile, recoverability index, place of work, charges, negativity.

Check the reliability and recoverability of a person.

Esempio Report Person Top

The top person report allows you to perform an audit on a private individual and also obtain top information verified by a professional staff.

It can also be requested without the subject's proxy and is delivered in PDF or JSON format.

The report consists of 7 sections:

  • PERSONAL DATA with name, surname, residence and domicile, marital status, tax code, date and place of birth of the subject
  • RELIABILITY with creditworthiness indicator and check on negativity
  • EMPLOYMENT PERFORMANCE with information on company and monthly salary. in case of pension, the pension provider, estimated monthly salary and any survivor's pension will also be indicated
  • DETAILS ON PROTESTS with type, in favour of, date taken, amount and reason
  • DETAILS ON PREJUDGMENTS with type, date, amount, subject in favour, conservatory and register
  • CHARACTERS with Company Name, Registered Office, Rea Number, Tax Code and Activity Status

The reports will be provided in white label so you can add company logo, notes/disclaimers, Tulps logo/legal characteristics for sale to issue the customised document.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls