Real Time Person Report

  • Openapi Delivery : 10 Minutes
  • Openapi starting from € 3,60 + vat

Check a person's reliability in minutes.

Obtain the person report via API with data such as negatives, holdings, protests, real estate.

Esempio Real Time Person Report

The person report allows a quick check on a private person.
It can also be requested without the person's authority and is provided in PDF or JSON format.

The report consists of 7 sections

  • PERSONAL DATA with first name, last name, tax code, date and place of birth, residence and citizenship
  • RELIABILITY with risk indicator and check on negativity
  • DETAILS ON PROTESTS with type, in favour of, date taken, amount and reason
  • DETAILS ON PREJUDGMENTS with type of prejudgment, date, amount, subject in favour, registrar and registry
  • CORPORATE POSITION with type and status of the position (active/inactive) and the company's name, registered office, REA number, tax identification number
  • SHAREHOLDINGS with Denomination, Tax Code, Shareholding Composition, Summary of Obligations
  • NATIONAL CATASTAL DATA with Property Number, Municipality, Type of Cadastre and Details with Location, Sheet, Parcel, Sub, Category, Class, Consistence, Ration

The reports will be provided in white label so you can add company logo, notes/disclaimers, Tulps logo/legal for sale to issue the customised document.

Some information may not be available for all subjects

Our prices

Price list for single API calls