Top asset report per person

  • Openapi Delivery : 10-12 Days
  • Openapi starting from € 48,00 + vat

Get the report with reliability, bank reports, domicile, real estate movements.

Verify a person's actual financial status enriched with information verified by professional staff. All via API.

Esempio Top asset report per person

The top asset report is an information report that allows you to check the asset status of a person from the tax code.

The report is supported and supplemented by information verified by professional staff such as actual residence, domicile, occupation and bank relations.

The top report is enriched with information on real estate movements.

The report consists of the following sections:

  • COMPLETE PERSONAL DATA with first name, surname, citizenship, date and place of birth of the subject, residence and marital status
  • RELIABILITY with creditworthiness indicator
  • EMPLOYMENT PERFORMANCE with information on company and monthly salary. In the case of a pension, the pension provider, estimated monthly salary and any survivor's pension will also be indicated
  • COMPANY OFFICERS with name, registered office, company number, tax code and company activity status
  • SHAREHOLDINGS with name, Tax Code, Shareholding Composition, Summary of Obligations
  • BANK TRANSACTIONS with Bank Name and Address of Office and Possible Financial Availability
  • DETAILS ON PROTESTS with type, in favour of, date taken, amount and reason
  • DETAILS ON PREJUDGMENTS with type of prejudgment, date, amount, subject in favour, conservatory and register
  • NATIONAL CATHASTAL DATA with Property Number, Municipality, Type of Land Registry and Details with Location, Sheet, Parcel, Sub, Category, Class, Consistence, Rendita
  • PROPERTY MOVEMENTS with type of transcription or registration, date, registry, public official, property site, conservatory

The report can also be requested without subject proxy and is provided in PDF format. You can customise the report with your own logo and legal wording.

 The asset report top is the perfect solution for those who need to do massive processing in order to decide whether and how to proceed in terms of recovery.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls