Search Company (Company List)

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  • Openapi Delivery : Immediate
  • Openapi starting from € 0,00 + vat

Get real-time listings of Italian companies with enriched data by selecting from over 15 parameters.

Search Company allows you to create a list of companies within a geographical area or province or Chamber of Commerce and select parameters such as turnover, ATECO Code, number of employees

Esempio Search Company (Company List)

Search Company is a powerful and effective search tool that allows, based on over 15 parameters, to obtain the list of all companies corresponding to those criteria.

The response provides a list of companies that match the specified parameters along with the following data:

  • Tax Code
  • Company Name
  • VAT Number
  • Registered Office (toponym, street, address, municipality, hamlet, province, ZIP code)
  • Geographical Coordinates of the Registered Office (longitude and latitude)
  • Catastal Code of the registered office
  • SDI Code and update
  • Activity Status
  • Timestamp creation (company creation date in the database)
  • Timestamp last update (date of last change to the company)
  • Date of registration with the Chamber of Commerce
  • Internal company identifier (ID)

These parameters can be freely combined to obtain a more relevant list of business contacts.

Furthermore, using Search, it is possible to identify companies in which an individual or legal entity is a partner, simply by using the tax code as a reference.

Another interesting aspect is the "dataEnrichment" parameter, which allows specifying the desired dataset in the response:

  • No parameter: If not specified, a list of company IDs will be returned, which can be used to request information through other Company endpoints
  • Name: will return for each enterprise corresponding to the parameters all information of the endpoint Address: name, VAT number, city of registered office and last updated date
  • PEC: will return for each enterprise corresponding to the parameters all information of the endpoint PEC: last deposited and historical PEC address
  • Address: will return for each enterprise corresponding to the parameters all information of the endpoint Address: name, VAT and tax identification number, registered office with geocordinates (latitude and longitude) of the enterprise and last updated date
  • Shareholders: will return for each company corresponding to the parameters all the information of the endpoint Shareholders: name or first and last name, tax code and percentage of the share held for all shareholders with a share greater than 10%
  • Start: will return for each company corresponding to the parameters all the information from the start endpoint: name, tax code, VAT number, address, headquarters, activity status, SDI
  • Advanced: behaves similarly to start but will offer enriched information such as PEC, SDI code, REA, Legal Nature, ATECO, turnover, profits, employees, partners

Search is identified by the endpoint: GET 


This is an example of a call in which the following parameters were used:

  • Data Enrichment Start
  • Province of Rome
  • ATECO code 62.01
  • Turnover minimum 500,000 and maximum 2,000,000
  • Employees minimum 5 and maximum 20


The response returns a list of companies compatible with the given parameters and the selected dataset (start):

  • Tax code
  • Name
  • VAT Number
  • Registered office (name, street, address, municipality, district, province, postcode)
  • Activity Status
  • Timestamp (date and time of request)
  • Timestamp creation (date company was created in database)
  • Timestamp last update (date of last company change)
  • Legal nature code
  • Timestamp_creation
  • Geographical coordinates registered office (longitude and latitude)
  • Chamber of Commerce registration date
  • Internal company identifier (ID)

 This is an example of an answer:

"data": [
    "taxCode": "12485671007",
    "companyName": "OPENAPI S.R.L.",
    "vatCode": "12485671007",
      "registeredOffice": {
      "toponym": "VIALE",
      "street": "F TOMMASO MARINETTI",
      "streetNumber": "221",
      "streetName": "VIALE F TOMMASO MARINETTI 221",
      "town": "ROMA",
      "hamlet":  null,
      "province": "RM",
      "zipCode": "00143",
      "gps": {
        "coordinates": [
      "townCode": "H501"
  "activityStatus": "ATTIVA",
  "creationTimestamp": 1676878023,
  "lastUpdateTimestamp": 1676878023,
  "sdiCode": "MJ1OYNU",
  "sdiCodeTimestamp": 1624358855,
  "id": "60b4a85585e34e615c569ef5",
  "registrationDate: "2013-07-19"
  "taxCode": "12345678910",
  "companyName": "OPENAPI TEST S.P.A.",
  "vatCode": "12345678910",
    "registeredOffice": {
    "toponym": "VIALE",
    "street": "ROMA",
    "streetNumber": "221",
    "streetName": "VIALE ROMA 221",
    "town": "ROMA",
    "hamlet":  null,
    "province": "RM",
    "zipCode": "00143",
      "gps": {
        "coordinates": [
      "townCode": "H501",
  "activityStatus": "REGISTRATA",
  "creationTimestamp": 1676878023,
  "lastUpdateTimestamp": 1676878023,
  "sdiCode": "USAL8PV",
  "sdiCodeTimestamp": 1624358855,
  "id": "45d1bfc788174b9u092cdtr5",
  "registrationDate: "2016-08-29"
 "success":  true,
 "message": "",
 "error":  null


The cost is charged according to the number of companies in the answer and it is possible to have a count of the available results via the "dry_run" parameter before making the call.

Search without parameter or with parameter dry run has a number of free requests per day equal to 100, exceed that limit the cost will be 0.01€ per request.

In order to prevent errors, the service also has a maximum limit of 1000 results by default. It is possible to further reduce the number of results with the parameter "limit" where the desired number of results will be indicated.

In the event that more than 100 companies are to be answered, it is possible to obtain all results with several calls and via the "skip" parameter, which indicates the number of results that are to be "skipped".

In practice, if 1500 companies are expected as results for a query, the first call will allow the first 100 companies to be obtained, the second call, in which the skip parameter and the value 1000 (i.e. to skip the first 1000 already obtained with the first call) will allow the remaining 500 to be obtained.

Enterprises Advance is used, for example, for sectoral market surveys and analyses or for marketing activities.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

  • Search Company (id only) € 0,00 + vat
  • Company Search Name € 0,001 + vat
  • Company Search Address (Company List) € 0,01 + vat
  • Company Search REM (Company List) € 0,03 + vat
  • Company Search Shareholders (Company List) € 0,03 + vat
  • Search Start Company (Companies List) € 0,05 + vat
  • Search Advanced Company (Companies List) € 0,10 + vat