Phone Number Company

  • Openapi Evasione : 2 Hours
  • Openapi starting from € 0,70 + vat

Get the phone number of a business via API.

Access the phone number, landline or mobile, of a business in minutes.

Esempio Phone Number Company

The Phone Number Company service belongs to the API RISK and allows, starting from the parameter tax code, to obtain the telephone number of a company.

The service is identified by the endpoint


The method to use in the request is POST:


The parameters to pass in the body of the call are:

  • fiscal code
  • callback (optional)

This is an example of the parameters required for a request with fiscal code 12485671007:

  "cf_piva": "12485671007",  
  "callback": {
    "url": "",
    "field": "data",
    "method": "POST",
    "headers": {
      "session_id": "oiwejdf89453urf945jfg"

The response is asynchronous. It is possible to set a callback during the request phase to receive updates when the data becomes available, without having to call the GET /request/{id} endpoint multiple times to check its status.


Here's an example of a response in pending (waiting for the result) where you'll be able to obtain the request ID to use in a second call to retrieve the desired data.

    "data": {
      "id": "60e866b6b3178c6dc80adf8e",
      "cf_piva": "12485671007",
      "tipo": [
      "callback": false,
      "url" false,
      "field" data,
      "method" POST,
      "data": false,
      "headers": {
        "session_id": ""oiwejdf89453urf945jfg""
      "esito": "null"
      "timestamp": "null"
      "owner": "[email protected]"
      "soggetto": "null"
      "status": "PENDING",
      "date_request": "null",
      "date_completion": "null",
    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "error": null


To retrieve the data, it will be necessary to make a second request, as anticipated, to another endpoint with the previously obtained ID.



The response will provide access to the telephone number, either landline or mobile, based on availability.

    "data": {
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "date_request": "2023-07-09 17:09:42",
      "date_completion": "2023-07-09 17:40:57",
      "id": "60e866b6b3178c6dc80adf8e",
      "cf_piva": "12485671007",
      "tipo": [
      "callback": null,
      "esito": {
        "codice": 200,
        "info": "OK"
      "timestamp": 1625232029,
      "owner": "[email protected]",
      "soggetto": {
        "code": "12485671007"
        "utenze": ["3331234567"]
    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "error": null


The "Phone Number Company" service is also available for searches on Person and Freelancers.


It is reminded that this service can only be requested in the presence of a legally relevant right (any subjective position such as to configure a relationship of instrumentality between this interest and the documentation requested to be displayed).

Due to its nature, the service may also provide a null response (e.g., no data in public databases or publicly accessible data), and the service also entails a cost in this case. At the time of the request, the client declares to have a relevant right (e.g., debt recovery), and in case of false declaration, it is reminded that the request is quarterly communicated to the Prefecture offices with the relevant consequences of false declarations.

Despite being available automatically via API, the service, due to regulatory reasons, is subject to continuous monitoring of LOGs with the following limitations:

  • the service is active from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • the service is active only on weekdays
  • the rate limit is automatically configured for each client based on the annual volumes purchased

Requests made at other times or on different days are queued and processed on a priority basis on the first working day.

As per contractual conditions, the service has daily rate limit constraints set for proper service management.

If you wish to have a personalized service, contact us here.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls