Company Registration Advanced Report

  • Openapi Delivery : 2 Hours
  • Openapi starting from € 11,70 + vat

The Company Registration Advanced Report is delivered through API and collects the main information and the acts of the company.

The Advanced Report is a complete report of a company and includes official documents of the CCIAAA such as the Company Registration Report (Statute), deposited balance sheet, Statute.

Esempio Company Registration Advanced Report

The Company Registration Advanced Report available are:

  • Capital Company's Business File
  • Partnership's Business File
  • Capital Company's Historical Business File
  • Partnership's Historical Business File

The data required to apply for the Business File are: Company Name / Company Name and Province or Tax Code / VAT Number.

   "nome_visura""Fascicolo Società di Capitali"
   : {
   "campi": {
   "nome": "Denominazione/Ragione Sociale",
   "tipo": "denominazione",
   "null": true,
   "istruzioni": "Inserire la ragione sociale o Denominazione dell`azienda"
   "$1": {
   "nome": "Partita Iva o Codice Fiscale",
   "tipo": "codice_fiscale",
   "istruzioni": "Inserire la Partita IVA o il Codice Fiscale dell`Azienda"           "ordine"
   "validazione": "$0 || $1  ",
   "istruzioni": "PHA+UGVyIHJpY2hpZWRlcmUgbGEgVmlzdXJhIENhbWVyYWxlIE9yZGluYXJpYSAtIFNvY2lldCZhZ3JhdmU7IGRpIENhcGl0YWxlIGluc2VyaXNjaSB1bm8gZGVpIHNlZ3VlbnRpIGRhdGk6Jm5ic3A7bGEgPHN0cm9uZz5EZW5vbWluYXppb25lIC8gUmFnaW9uZSBzb2NpYWxlPC9zdHJvbmc+Jm5ic3A7b3BwdXJlIGxhIDxzdHJvbmc+UGFydGl0YSBJVkEgLyBDb2RpY2UgRmlzY2FsZTwvc3Ryb25nPjwvcD4NCg==",
   "istruzioni_ricerca": ""
   "ricerca": "1",
   "prezzo_ricerca": 0,
   "hash_visura": "eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3",
   "fornitori": []
   "message": ""
   "error": null


The Business file allows you to verify the status of the company's activities, the company structure and organization, any dissolution, bankruptcy proceedings, cancellations.

It is useful to acquire information and evaluate in depth the solidity of a new customer, a business partner, a supplier or a tenant in a commercial lease.

The Partnership's Business File includes the following information

  • filed articles of association
  • asset information
  • registered office and local units
  • dissolution, insolvency proceedings, cancellations
  • partners and holders of offices or qualifications
  • shareholdings in other companies (i.e. Shareholder card)
  • controlling companies/entities (i.e. Visura company subject to management and coordination by others)
  • business transfers, mergers, demergers and takeovers
  • activities, registers and roles
  • files under investigation (i.e. Visura protocol or filing)

The Capital Company's Business File includes the following data:

  • Information from articles of association, filed articles of association
  • Capital and financial instruments
  • Balance sheet
  • Head office and local units
  • Dissolution, insolvency proceedings, cancellations
  • Directors
  • Holders of other offices or qualifications
  • Auditors, members of control bodies
  • Shareholders and holders of rights to shares or stock (i.e. Shareholder List, Ownership Register or Company Profile)
  • Shareholdings in other companies (i.e. Shareholder card)
  • Parent companies/parent companies (i.e. Visura company subject to management and coordination by others)
  • Company transfers, mergers, demergers and takeovers
  • History of share transfers (only for limited liability companies)
  • Activities, registers and roles
  • Practices in investigation (i.e. protocol or filing visas)

The Historical Business File in addition to the information provided for the ordinary file includes the history of changes and, in the case of limited liability companies, the history of share transfers (where applicable).

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

  • Capital Company's Business File € 15,70 + vat
  • Partnership's Business File € 11,70 + vat
  • Partnership's Historical Business File € 11,70 + vat
  • Capital Company's Historical Business File € 16,50 + vat