Marketing Company

  • Openapi Evasione : Immediate
  • Openapi starting from € 0,095 + vat

Access over 300 pieces of information for your communications activities

The API service to expand your customer base

Esempio Marketing Company

The Marketing service belongs to the Company API and is designed for all companies that want access to certified and detailed data for communication, analysis, and marketing activities.

With just a VAT number, the Marketing Company service allows you to obtain over 300 enriched pieces of information about the company's characteristics and classifications, as well as contact details, in a matter of seconds.

You can obtain information such as:

  • Company Data (Name, VAT number, Tax Code, CCIAA and REA, PEC, Status)
  • Email, phone, fax, website, social media
  • Registered office and other types of offices
  • Classifications (Primary and secondary ATECO, NACE, Primary and secondary SIC)
  • Turnover, turnover trends, profits, share capital
  • Employees, number, trends, statistics on contract duration and types
  • Startups and SMEs
  • Number of offices and Corporate Affiliation

The reference endpoint is{vatCode_or_taxCode}


This is an example of a request using the VAT number parameter: 12485671007


This is an example of a response for the VAT number parameter: 12485671007

    "data": {
    "pec": "[email protected]",
    "companyDetails": {
      "vatCode": "12485671007",
      "taxCode": "12485671007",
      "lastUpdateDate": "2023-03-08T11:25:08.0331456Z",
      "cciaa": "RM",
      "reaCode": "1378273",
      "companyName": "OPENAPI SPA",
      "officeType": {
        "code": "SSL",
        "description": "Administrative headquarter and registered office"
      "openapiNumber": "IT93E20F0DS0001"
    "companyStatus": {
      "activityStatus": {
        "code": "A",
        "description": "Enable"
    "address": {
      "streetName": "VIALE FILIPPO TOMMASO MARINETTI, 221",
      "zipCode": "00143",
      "town": "ROMA",
      "province": {
        "code": "RM",
        "description": "ROMA"
      "region": {
        "code": "12",
        "description": "LAZIO"
      "country": {
        "code": "IT",
        "description": "Italia"
    "branches": {
      "numberOfBranches": 1
    "atecoClassification": {
      "ateco": {
        "code": "6201",
        "description": "Production of software not related to editing"
      "secondaryAteco": "6202"
    "internationalClassification": {
      "nace": {
        "code": "6201",
        "description": "Computer programming activities"
      "primarySic": {
        "code": "7372",
        "description": "Computer programming & software services"
      "secondarySic": "7392, 7374"
    "ecofin": {
      "balanceSheetDate": "2021-12-31T00:00:00",
      "turnoverRange": {
        "code": "TR7",
        "description": "1000000 - 4999999"
      "turnoverYear": 2021,
      "turnover": 4432761,
      "turnoverTrend": 5.74,
      "shareCapital": 50000,
      "netWorth": 563473,
      "enterpriseSize": {
        "code": "SMALL",
        "description": "Small enterprise"
    "employees": {
      "employeeRange": {
        "code": "ER4",
        "description": "11 - 20"
      "employee": 15,
      "employeeTrend": 7.14
    "employeesStatistic": {
      "permanentContract": 100,
      "partialTimeContract": 20,
      "fullTimeContract": 80,
      "whiteCollar": 100
    "innovativeSmeAndSu": {
      "isInnovativeStartUp": false,
      "isInnovativeSme": false
    "mail": {
      "email": "[email protected]"
    "contacts": {
      "telephoneNumber": "0697276223;",
      "fax": "0687420311"
    "webAndSocial": {
      "website": "",
      "hasSocial": true,
      "facebook": "",
      "linkedin": ""
    "corporateGroups": {
      "belongsToGroup": true,
      "groupName": "DE LUCIA - SCURIATTI",
      "holdingCompanyName": "LUCA SCURIATTI",
      "nationalParentCompany": {
        "province": {
          "code": "ND99",
          "description": "N. A."
    "allOffices": [
        "companyDetails": {
          "vatCode": "12485671007",
          "taxCode": "12485671007",
          "lastUpdateDate": "2024-05-11T20:43:21.2667304Z",
          "cciaa": "RM",
          "reaCode": "1378273",
          "companyName": "OPENAPI SPA",
          "officeType": {
            "code": "SSL",
            "description": "Administrative headquarter and registered office"
          "openapiNumber": "IT93E20F0DS0001"
        "companyStatus": {
          "activityStatus": {
            "code": "A",
            "description": "Enable"
        "address": {
          "streetName": "VIALE FILIPPO TOMMASO MARINETTI, 221",
          "zipCode": "00143",
          "town": ROMA",
          "province": {
            "code": "RM",
            "description": "ROMA"
          "region": {
            "code": "12",
            "description": "LAZIO"
          "country": {
            "code": "IT",
            "description": "Italia"
        "companyDetails": {
          "vatCode": "12485671007",
          "taxCode": "12485671007",
          "lastUpdateDate": "2024-05-11T20:43:21.2667304Z",
          "cciaa": "TR",
          "reaCode": "353472",
          "companyName": "OPENAPI SPA",
          "officeType": {
            "code": "UL",
            "description": "Local units"
          "openapiNumber": "IT93E20F0DU8001"
        "companyStatus": {
          "activityStatus": {
            "code": "A",
            "description": "Enable"
        "address": {
          "streetName": "PIAZZA SAN GIOVANNI DECOLLATO, 6",
          "zipCode": "05100",
          "town": "TERNI",
          "province": {
            "code": "TR",
            "description": "TERNI"
          "region": {
            "code": "10",
            "description": "UMBRIA"
          "country": {
            "code": "IT",
            "description": "Italia"
  "success":  true,
  "message": "",
  "error":  null


Marketing is also available in asynchronous mode. A callback can be set up to be updated when the response is available.

In addition, to make our synchronous service (in GET) even more efficient and performant, in cases where delays occur, a request ID is issued to avoid the risk of timeouts. The same ID can then be used to obtain the response via a dedicated endpoint, in asynchronous mode.

The Marketing service is used by companies that want to expand their customer portfolio. Some examples of types of companies already using the marketing service are Banks, Insurance companies, Telcos, Travel, IT, NGOs, Real Estate.

Some data may not be available for all companies

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

Subscribe and save

  • 10.000 API calls / year (pay annually) € 0,18 + vat
  • 50.000 API calls / year (pay annually) € 0,16 + vat
  • 100.000 API calls / year (pay annually) € 0,13 + vat
  • 250.000 API calls / year (pay annually) € 0,095 + vat