Credit Scoring Start

  • Openapi Evasione : Immediate
  • Openapi starting from € 0,06 + vat

Get the credit score of Italian companies in real time via API

Check the reliability of an Italian company with 3 risk classes

Esempio Credit Scoring Start

Credit scoring is the analysis of a number of financial and non-financial variables to determine the probability of default or non-repayment of a loan.

The Credit Score Start service provides access to a 'traffic light' with 3 risk classes.

It is identified by the endpoint}

(GET /IT-creditscore-start/{vatCode_taxCode_or_id})

The request parameter can be one of:

  • VAT number
  • Tax Code
  • Company id

In the following request we have used the VAT number as a parameter: 12485671007

(GET /IT-creditscore-start/{vatCode_taxCode_or_id})

The following values are present in the response

  • Organisation name (organisation_name)
  • Date of request (requested_at)
  • Risk Score (risk_score)
  • Tax code (tax)
  • VAT number (vat)
  • Request identifier (id)
  • Company identifier (company_id)
  • Request timestamp (time_stamp)

The risk score is identified by 3 colours

  • red
  • yellow
  • green

In some cases the colour grey may be returned to indicate ND cases such as companies that have ceased trading.

The data in the response are for illustrative purposes only.

  "data": {
    "company_id": "60d1bfc731177b0a092cdfc1",
    "organization_name": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
    "requested_at": "2024-03-26T10:53:56.299688Z",
    "risk_score": "VERDE",
    "tax": "12XXXXXXXX7",
    "vat": "12XXXXXXXX7",
    "time_stamp": 1622452306,    
    "id": "6602a94464cff7864a032475"
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null


The company identifier (company_id), available in the response, is a useful parameter for making requests to a Company API endpoint such as Start, Advanced, PEC (or REM=Registered Electronic Mail).

There are currently 2 other services available dedicated to credit scoring:

  • Credit Score Advanced to obtain information on credit rating, risk score, credit line and risk severity
  • Credit Score Top to also obtain information on credit history, public rating, credit rating and a more detailed profile on the company's economic, income, equity and financial status

The Credit Scoring service is ideal for any company that needs to assess the credit risk of its customers or partners, such as credit institutions, fintech, e-commerce companies (especially those offering payment systems) or companies offering Telco, Leasing, real estate services.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

Subscribe and save

  • 5000 API requests / year - 0,16€ per call (pay annually) € 0,16 + vat
  • 20.000 API requests / year - 0,13€ per call (pay annually) € 0,13 + vat
  • 60.000 API requests / year - 0,10€ per call (pay annually) € 0,10 + vat
  • 100.000 API requests / year - 0,08€ per call (pay annually) € 0,08 + vat
  • 500.000 API requests / year - 0,06€ per call (pay annually) € 0,06 + vat