Report on a person's active positions

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  • Openapi starting from € 2,10 + vat

Information on a person's active charges obtainable via API in real time.

Download the report with details on a charge such as description and duration from the tax code.

Esempio Report on a person's active positions

The Report on a person's active positions allows you to obtain, from the entry of the person's tax code

  • information on the person such as name, surname, tax code, date and place of birth, residence
  • company information such as CCIAA, REA, legal nature, ATECO code and activity status
  • information on offices such as code, description, start date, duration

The data are available in real time via the Openapi Visengine API and can be downloaded in PDF, JSON o XML format.

Here are the steps for obtaining the report.

1) Request Hash Report (GET /visure)

To request reports with Visengine, you first need to find the hash that uniquely identifies each document or file.

This is possible via the endpoint GET /visure which does not need any parameters and will return the complete list of documents and files that can be requested via Visengine and respect the hash.

2) Verify Data and Costs Request Report (GET /visure/{hash_visura})

If you want to check the information, documents required and costs of the report, you have to make a request via the endpoint GET /visure/{hash_visura} and pass the hash of the previously obtained report.

EXAMPLE REQUEST GET /visure/{hash_visura}

In order to verify fields and costs to complete the request, it is necessary to use the hash obtained in the previous request.


EXAMPLE RESPONSE GET /visure/{hash_visura}

The response will contain all the information needed to complete the request, such as required fields.

  "data": {
    "hash_visura": "f3a0979f15915b337aafabcd89c5ee70",
    "json_struttura": {
      "campi": {
        "$0": {
          "nome": "Codice Fiscale",
          "tipo": "codice_fiscale_persona_fisica",
          "null": false,
          "istruzioni": "Inserire il Codice Fiscale dell`Azienda",
      "validazione": "$0",
      "istruzioni": "",
      "istruzioni_ricerca": ""
    "nome_categoria": "Camerali",
    "nome_visura": "Cariche Attive Persona",
    "prezzo_visura": 2.1,
    "prezzo_ricerca": 0,
    "ricerca": false,
    "sincrona": false,
    "fornitori": []
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null


In validation, the data required to successfully complete the request are indicated.

3) Request Report POST /richiesta

To make the report request, the tax code of the subject is passed.


    "hash_visura": "f3a0979f15915b337aafabcd89c5ee70",
    "json_visura": {
      "$1": 12485671007



The response returns various information including the status, the callback (if set) and the request ID that we will need later to download the document.

{ "data": 
      "_id": "5f2829ce065afc21cc60ad0e",
    "state": 1,
    "hash_visura": f3a0979f15915b337aafabcd89c5ee70",
    "nome": "Cariche Attive Persona",
    "ricerca": false,
    "id_ricerca": null,
    "prezzo_visura": 2.1,
    "prezzo_ricerca": 0,
    "indice_ricerca": null,
    "stato_richiesta": "In erogazione",
    "email_target": null,
    "allegati": [],
    "timestamp_creation": 1596467662,
    "timestamp_last_update": 1596467663,
    "timestamp_stati": {
      "in_ricerca": 1596467663,
      "in_erogazione": 1596467663
    "callback_data": false,
    "opzioni": null,
    "owner": "[email protected]",
    "sincrona": false,
    "ricerche": [
        "id_ricerca": "5f2829ce065afc21cc60ad0e_0",
        "stato_ricerca": "Ricerca evasa",
        "json_ricerca": "{\"$1\":\"12485671007\"}",
        "json_mappato": {
          "NRea": "1378273",
          "Cciaa": "RM"
        "json_risultato": null
    "esito": {
      "codice": "0",
      "info": "OK"


4) Download Report GET /documento/{_id}

When the status of the request is 'evasa' ('processed'), you can download the document via the method GET /documento/{_id}

EXAMPLE REQUEST GET /documento/{_id}

This is an example of a request using the previously obtained ID.


EXAMPLE RESPONSE GET /documento/{_id}

The response will contain the name, size and file.

    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "error": null

The downloadable document is available in a zip, containing the PDF, JSON o XML file.

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