Company Closed

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  • Openapi Delivery : Immediate
  • Openapi starting from € 0,02 + vat

Find out whether a company is still active or has closed, via API and in real time.

Before starting collaborations and making assessments on any company, first check whether it is still operational.

Esempio Company Closed

The service makes it possible to check the status of a company with the Italian Revenue Agency in real time.

The data returned will indicate whether the company is active or ceased and is available from one of the following parameters:

  • VAT Number
  • Tax Code
  • Company Id

This kind of information is of fundamental importance, especially in the preliminary phase of searching for other companies. In fact, when you are considering contacting a company to start a collaboration or you want to carry out an analysis of its status, the first aspect to assess is whether the company still exists and is therefore operational.
Decisions made subsequently will depend on this.

Active/Closed Enterprises is identified by the endpoint: GET{vatCode_taxCode_or_id}

The response is real-time.

EXAMPLE REQUEST GET /closed/{vatCode_taxCode_or_id}

The call can be made from the VAT number or tax code


EXAMPLE RESPONSE GET /closed/{vatCode_taxCode_or_id}

If active company the response is: "taxCodeCeased": false. If not active instead: "taxCodeCeased": true

  "data": [
     "taxCodeCeased": false,
     "id": 60d1bfc731177b0a092cdfc1
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null

The company id is also available in the response and can be used as a parameter for other endpoints of the Company API to obtain more detailed information on the company


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Price list for single API calls