Company Registration Report with Free Request

  • Openapi : Immediate
  • Openapi starting from € 2,90 + vat

Get Chamber of Commerce Company Registrations Report in real time and without search costs via API.

The service allows immediate and detailed searches on any company before completing the request and obtaining the desired Chamber of Commerce Company Registration Report.

Esempio Company Registration Report with Free Request

With the Company Registration Report service, it is possible to obtain the ordinary or historical registration of a sole proprietorship, a corporation or a partnership. It is the only one that allows you to search for the company you are interested in free of charge and check the available Chamber of Commerce Company Registrations, before making the request.

The ws is structured as follows:

Business search (GET /impresa)

As indicated above, this call is free of charge and gives the possibility to find a company through parameters such as name, province, ATECO code, number of employees (min. and max.), turnover (min. and max.) and geographical coordinates.

At this stage, it is possible to immediately find out the legal nature of the company and which Chamber of Commerce Company Registrations can be requested for that company.

    "data": [
        "id": "61f2d9978e5bb376ab1c85d6",
        "denominazione": "OPENAPI S.R.L.",
        "comune": "ROMA",
        "codice_natura_giuridica": "SR",
        "chiamate_disponibili": [
    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "error": null;



Generate Request (GET /ordinaria-societa-capitale)

Once the free search has been carried out, you can proceed to generate the request for the type of Chamber of Commerce Company Registration you are interested in.

The Chamber of Commerce Company Registrations available via web service are these ones:

  • Ordinary Individual company
  • Ordinary Capital company
  • Ordinary Partnership
  • Historical Individual company
  • Historical Capital company
  • Historical Partnership

The data to be entered for the request are: Tax code / VAT number / Company ID (the Company ID is the one obtained in the Business Search phase).

        "data": {
          "cf_piva_id": "12485671007",
          "tipo": "ordinaria-societa-capitale",
          "stato_richiesta": "In erogazione",
          "timestamp_creation": 1649683350,
          "timestamp_last_update": 1649683350,
          "allegati": [],
          "callback": false,
          "owner": "[email protected]",
          "id": "625fec9313ddfc09f11c47e2"
        "message": "",
        "success": true,
        "error": null

Specific Request (GET /ordinaria-societa-capitale/{id})

This method is used to display the request identified by the id created with the "Generate Request" method.

The call then allows you to see the entire object of the request including the status, timestamp etc.

Below is the code snippet of the request for an ordinary Chamber of Commerce Company Registration for a Capital company. This is just an example, it is also possible to obtain the other types of Chamber of Commerce Company Registrations.

        "data": {
          "cf_piva_id": "12485671007",
          "tipo": "ordinaria-societa-capitale",
          "stato_richiesta": "Dati disponibili",
          "timestamp_creation": 1649683350,
          "timestamp_last_update": 1649688928,
          "allegati": [
          "callback": false,
          "owner": "[email protected]",
          "id": "625fec9313ddfc09f11c47e2"
        "success": true,
        "message": "",
        "error": null


Download the document (GET /ordinaria-societa-capitale/{id}/allegati)

The official Chamber of Commerce Company Registration obtained through the request made in the previous step can then be downloaded as a zip, that contains a pdf.

        "data": {
          "nome": "",
          "dimensione": 586660,
          "file": "UEsDBBQAAAAIABFOllTBs6lJ1vIIAJthCQAcABwANjI1ZmVjOTNmYjhjYTg0MzQ3MDU3Nzk1LnBkZlVUCQAD8nliYvJ5YmJ1eAsAAQQhAAAABCEAAACMvFO0ME0PNfgc27Zt27Zt27Zt27Zt27Zt+5x5v39mruZm7tLpZNfu6qyqpFZ3SOSFRWkYaNkgScau4w/HOUbc+WLQqnnTtt27Zt27Zt25k7bdu2bdvcadv5fnXOqapz655qt9p93x/vW62tFjHnGmv2HiMiZvQxY7RJIi8sSsNAywxFcnA4uwjFgE+Pb2doCcXNTSdqYe1s4kgnam3gbCJsYmRnbEInbWJr5"
        "success": true,
        "message": "",
        "error": null


Checking Requests (GET /ordinaria-societa-capitale)

It is also possible to check the history of the completed requests, with the details of these requests.

  "data": [
      "cf_piva_id": "12485671007",
      "tipo": "ordinaria-societa-capitale",
      "stato_richiesta": "In erogazione",
      "timestamp_last_update": 1650550461,
      "owner": "[email protected]",
      "id": "626166bd20a96b3711585590"
      "cf_piva_id": "12485671007",
      "tipo": "ordinaria-societa-capitale",
      "stato_richiesta": "Dati disponibili",
      "timestamp_last_update": 1650454028,
      "owner": "[email protected]",
      "id": "625fec9313ddfc09f11c47e2"
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null

It is also possible to request Chamber of Commerce Visura in English, however, via the Visengine API.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

  • Ordinary Chamber of Commerce Registration Capital company € 4,90 + vat
  • Ordinary Chamber of Commerce Registration Partnership € 3,40 + vat
  • Ordinary Chamber of Commerce Registration Individual company € 2,90 + vat
  • Historical Chamber of Commerce Registration Capital company € 5,90 + vat
  • Historical Chamber of Commerce Registration Partnership € 4,40 + vat
  • Historical Chamber of Commerce Registration Individual company € 3,90 + vat

Subscribe and save

  • 100 call / year - 4,68€ (Ordinaria) (pay annually) € 4,68 + vat
  • 1.000 call / year - 3,96€ (Ordinaria) (pay annually) € 3,96 + vat
  • 100 call / year - 5,85€ (Storica) (pay annually) € 5,85 + vat
  • 1.000 call / year - 4,95€ (Storica) (pay annually) € 4,95 + vat
  • 100 call / year - 3,25€ (Ordinaria) (pay annually) € 3,25 + vat
  • 1.000 call / year - 2,97€ (Ordinaria) (pay annually) € 2,97 + vat
  • 100 call / year - 4,15€ (Storica) (pay annually) € 4,15 + vat
  • 1.000 call / year - 3,85€ (Storica) (pay annually) € 3,85 + vat
  • 100 call / year - 2,85€ (Ordinaria) (pay annually) € 2,85 + vat
  • 1.000 call / year - 2,75€ (Ordinaria) (pay annually) € 2,75 + vat
  • 100 call / year - 3,80€ (Storica) (pay annually) € 3,80 + vat
  • 1.000 call / year - 3,63€ (Storica) (pay annually) € 3,63 + vat