Protests Certificate for Companies

  • Openapi Delivery : Immediate
  • Openapi starting from € 0,90 + vat

The Certificate of Protest for Companies is provided through service in a synchronous manner and can be requested for any private individual or company without any obligation of any delegation. Everything from 0,90€.

The Certificate of Protest contains the list of non-payments registered with the Computerized Protests Register of the CCIAA.

Esempio Protests Certificate for Companies

The Certificate of Protest for Companies allows to assess the presence of one or more protests against the subject. The document includes the following information:

  • Identification data: company name, registered office, tax code and VAT number, Chamber of commerce, legal status, activity status, Nace
  • The repertoire number, date and place of the rising
  • The type (bill of exchange, promissory note, check, etc.), the amount, date and place of collection, date of registration, the due date, the reason for non-payment

The following data are necessary to request the Certificate of Protest per legal person: Company name / Business Name and Province or VAT number / Tax Code.

   "nome_visura""Visura Protesti Società"
   : {
   "campi": {
   "nome": "Denominazione/Ragione Sociale",
   "tipo": "denominazione",
   "null": true,
   "istruzioni": "Inserire la ragione sociale o Denominazione dell`azienda"
   "$1": {
   "nome": "Partita Iva o Codice Fiscale",
   "tipo": "codice_fiscale",
   "istruzioni": "Inserire la Partita IVA o il Codice Fiscale dell`Azienda"           "ordine"
   "validazione": "$0 || $1  ",
   "istruzioni": "PHA+UGVyIHJpY2hpZWRlcmUgbGEgVmlzdXJhIENhbWVyYWxlIE9yZGluYXJpYSAtIFNvY2lldCZhZ3JhdmU7IGRpIENhcGl0YWxlIGluc2VyaXNjaSB1bm8gZGVpIHNlZ3VlbnRpIGRhdGk6Jm5ic3A7bGEgPHN0cm9uZz5EZW5vbWluYXppb25lIC8gUmFnaW9uZSBzb2NpYWxlPC9zdHJvbmc+Jm5ic3A7b3BwdXJlIGxhIDxzdHJvbmc+UGFydGl0YSBJVkEgLyBDb2RpY2UgRmlzY2FsZTwvc3Ryb25nPjwvcD4NCg==",
   "istruzioni_ricerca": ""
   "ricerca": "1"   "prezzo_visura"0,

   "prezzo_ricerca": 0
   "hash_visura":    "eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3" },
   "message": ""
   "error": null}


The Certificate of Protest allows you to acquire information about a new customer, business partner, conductor and ascertain the economic strength and possible solvency.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

  • Certificate of Protest Natural Person € 0,90 + vat
  • Certificate of Protest for Companies € 0,90 + vat