among the Top 1000 Companies in Europe

We are among the "Fastest Growing Companies", according to Financial Times and Statista Ranking


  • Author: Francesca Columbu
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  • Date: 09/03/2023
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  • Reading time: 1 min

March couldn't have started better for us at Openapi! In fact, we have obtained a very important recognition: our company is among the "Fastest Growing Companies" in Europe. has entered the prestigious Financial Times e Statista Ranking, which rewards the 1000 European companies with the highest turnover growth in the three-year period 2018-2021.

This is the seventh annual FT 1000 ranking, which includes the companies that have most evolved and developed in recent years, despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic.

The news could not have come at a better time for our company. In fact, we are working more and more intensively to expand our API to the European market, with a view to greater internationalisation of services.

Already in November 2022 we were awarded as Leader of Growth 2023, according to the ranking compiled by Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista, and this new recognition indicates us that we are on the right track. Today we feel even more motivated to go down this road and continue to pursue the goal of making our reality known outside Italy.

We are perfecting our existing services and have recently launched new APIs, such as Job Tracking Report, which allows us to obtain information on the workplace (e.g. type of contract, employer, etc.) of an individual starting from the tax code. In addition, new APIs containing business information on any Italian company (email data, registered office, company composition, employees, useful information for anti-money laundering verification etc.) are about to come.

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