Electronic Invoicing

  • Openapi Delivery : Immediate
  • Openapi starting from € 0,02 + vat

Automate the process of sending, signing, receiving and digitally storing your electronic invoices via API. No activation costs, you pay as much as you use, I send an invoice from €0.02.

On Openapi you will find the safe and easy-to-integrate solution to manage the entire B2B electronic invoicing cycle and towards the Public Administration via API.

Esempio Electronic Invoicing

Electronic invoicing via API increases efficiency and reduces costs. There is no fee for the API solution, payment is per invoice and it starts from EUR 0.03.

On Openapi, you can manage your entire e-Invoicing workflow via API combining ease and speed of integration and high security standards, with the ability to handle even large volumes of invoices in real time.

The API invoicing solution is extremely robust and reliable but also flexible and customizable. In fact, it is possible to define a customized management of the invoicing system for each VAT number:

  • only sending to SdI
  • signing and sending to SdI
  • sending/receiving to/from SdI and regulation-compliant storage
  • signature, sending/receiving to/from SdI and regulation-compliant storage

Invoices are processed in real time at the time of sending.

1) Configure invoicing options (POST /business_registry_configurations)

In the first call, it will be necessary to associate the invoicing configurations to the company and indicate whether to use the API exclusively for sending and receiving invoices or to also activate the option of signing and/or legally compliant archiving.


        "fiscal_id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "email": "string",
        "apply_signature": true,
        "apply_legal_storage": true


Once the configuration is complete, only the endpoint of the set option can be used.

2) Send XML Invoice to SDI (POST /invoices)

With the Openapi e-Invoicing API (SDI), it will be possible to send electronic invoices in XML to the interchange system (SdI) in real time.


    "fattura_elettronica_header": {
      "dati_trasmissione": {
        "id_trasmittente": {
          "id_paese":  "string",,
          "id_codice":  "string",
        "codice_destinatario":  "string",
        "contatti_trasmittente": {
          "telefono":  "string",
          "email":  "string",
        "pec_destinatario":  "string",
      "cedente_prestatore": {
        "dati_anagrafici": {
          "id_fiscale_iva": {
            "id_paese":  "string",
            "id_codice":  "string",
          "codice_fiscale":  "string",
          "anagrafica": {
            "denominazione":  "string",
            "nome":  "string",,
            "cognome":  "string",
            "titolo":  "string",
            "cod_eori":  "string",
          "albo_professionale":  "string",
          "provincia_albo":  "string",
          "numero_iscrizione_albo":  "string",
          "data_iscrizione_albo": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.822Z",
          "regime_fiscale":  "string",
        "sede": {
          "indirizzo":  "string",
          "numero_civico":  "string",
          "cap":  "string",
          "comune":  "string",
          "provincia":  "string",
          "nazione":  "string",
        "stabile_organizzazione": {
          "indirizzo":  "string",
          "numero_civico":  "string",
          "cap":  "string",
          "comune":  "string",
          "provincia":  "string",
          "nazione":  "string",
        "iscrizione_rea": {
          "ufficio":  "string",
          "numero_rea":  "string",
          "capitale_sociale":  "string",
          "socio_unico":  "string",
          "stato_liquidazione":  "string",
        "contatti": {
          "telefono":  "string",
          "fax":  "string",
          "email":  "string",
        "riferimento_amministrazione":  "string",
      "rappresentante_fiscale": {
        "dati_anagrafici": {
          "id_fiscale_iva": {
            "id_paese":  "string",
            "id_codice":  "string",
          "codice_fiscale":  "string",
          "anagrafica": {
            "denominazione":  "string",
            "nome":  "string",
            "cognome":  "string",
            "titolo":  "string",
            "cod_eori":  "string",
      "cessionario_committente": {
        "dati_anagrafici": {
          "id_fiscale_iva": {
            "id_paese":  "string",
            "id_codice":  "string",
          "codice_fiscale":  "string",
          "anagrafica": {
            "denominazione":  "string",
            "nome":  "string",
            "cognome":  "string",
            "titolo":  "string",
            "cod_eori":  "string",
        "sede": {
          "indirizzo":  "string",
          "numero_civico":  "string",
          "cap":  "string",
          "comune":  "string",
          "provincia":  "string",
          "nazione":  "string",
        "stabile_organizzazione": {
          "indirizzo":  "string",
          "numero_civico":  "string",
          "cap":  "string",
          "comune":  "string",
          "provincia":  "string",
          "nazione":  "string",
        "rappresentante_fiscale": {
          "id_fiscale_iva": {
            "id_paese":  "string",
            "id_codice":  "string",
          "denominazione":  "string",
          "nome":  "string",
          "cognome":  "string",
      "terzo_intermediario_o_soggetto_emittente": {
        "dati_anagrafici": {
          "id_fiscale_iva": {
            "id_paese":  "string",
            "id_codice":  "string",
          "codice_fiscale":  "string",
          "anagrafica": {
            "denominazione":  "string",
            "nome":  "string",
            "cognome":  "string",
            "titolo":  "string",
            "cod_eori":  "string",
      "soggetto_emittente":  "string",
    "fattura_elettronica_body": [
        "dati_generali": {
          "dati_generali_documento": {
            "tipo_documento":  "string",
            "divisa":  "string",
            "data": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.822Z",
            "numero":  "string",
            "dati_ritenuta": [
                "tipo_ritenuta":  "string",,
                "importo_ritenuta":  "string",
                "aliquota_ritenuta":  "string",
                "causale_pagamento":  "string",
            "dati_bollo": {
              "bollo_virtuale":  "string",
              "importo_bollo":  "string",
            "dati_cassa_previdenziale": [
                "tipo_cassa":  "string",
                "al_cassa":  "string",
                "importo_contributo_cassa":  "string",
                "imponibile_cassa":  "string",
                "aliquota_iva":  "string",
                "ritenuta":  "string",
                "natura":  "string",
                "riferimento_amministrazione":  "string",
            "sconto_maggiorazione": [
                "tipo":  "string",,
                "percentuale":  "string",
                "importo":  "string",
            "importo_totale_documento":  "string",
            "arrotondamento":  "string",
            "causale": [
            "art73":  "string",
          "dati_ordine_acquisto": [
              "riferimento_numero_linea": [
              "id_documento":  "string",
              "data": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.822Z",
              "num_item":  "string",
              "codice_commessa_convenzione":  "string",
              "codice_cup":  "string",
              "codice_cig":  "string",
          "dati_contratto": [
              "riferimento_numero_linea": [
              "id_documento":  "string",
              "data": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.822Z",
              "num_item":  "string",
              "codice_commessa_convenzione":  "string",
              "codice_cup":  "string",
              "codice_cig":  "string",
          "dati_convenzione": [
              "riferimento_numero_linea": [
              "id_documento":  "string",
              "data": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.823Z",
              "num_item":  "string",,
              "codice_commessa_convenzione":  "string",
              "codice_cup":  "string",
              "codice_cig":  "string",
          "dati_ricezione": [
              "riferimento_numero_linea": [
              "id_documento":  "string",
              "data": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.823Z",
              "num_item":  "string",
              "codice_commessa_convenzione":  "string",
              "codice_cup":  "string",
              "codice_cig":  "string",
          "dati_fatture_collegate": [
              "riferimento_numero_linea": [
              "id_documento":  "string",
              "data": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.823Z",
              "num_item":  "string",
              "codice_commessa_convenzione":  "string",
              "codice_cup":  "string",
              "codice_cig":  "string",
          "dati_sal": [
              "riferimento_fase":  0
          "dati_ddt": [
              "numero_ddt":  "string",
              "data_ddt": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.823Z",
              "riferimento_numero_linea": [
          "dati_trasporto": {
            "dati_anagrafici_vettore": {
              "id_fiscale_iva": {
                "id_paese":  "string",
                "id_codice":  "string",
              "codice_fiscale":  "string",
              "anagrafica": {
                "denominazione":  "string",
                "nome":  "string",
                "cognome":  "string",
                "titolo":  "string",
                "cod_eori":  "string",
              "numero_licenza_guida":  "string",
            "mezzo_trasporto":  "string",
            "causale_trasporto":  "string",
            "numero_colli":  0,
            "descrizione":  "string",
            "unita_misura_peso":  "string",
            "peso_lordo":  "string",
            "peso_netto":  "string",
            "data_ora_ritiro": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.823Z",
            "data_inizio_trasporto": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.823Z",
            "tipo_resa":  "string",
            "indirizzo_resa": {
              "indirizzo":  "string",
              "numero_civico":  "string",
              "cap":  "string",
              "comune":  "string",
              "provincia":  "string",
              "nazione":  "string",
            "data_ora_consegna": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.823Z"
          "fattura_principale": {
            "numero_fattura_principale":  "string",,
            "data_fattura_principale": "2022-09-15T10:41:52.823Z"


3) Signature and Send XML Invoice to SDI (POST /invoices_signature)

In addition to sending, an electronic signature can also be placed on the XML electronic invoice to guarantee the integrity of the data contained. A signed invoice has greater legal 'robustness' than an unsigned document. The signature is mandatory for electronic invoices to the PA.


4) Send XML Invoice and Legally compliant archive  (POST /invoices_legal_storage)

With the Openapi API it will be possible to sign, send and also activate a legally compliant archive for 10 years on active and passive electronic invoices. Legally compliant archiving is mandatory and guarantees authenticity, integrity, reliability, readability and retrievability of invoices. The legally compliant archive available via Openapi follows the eIDAS regulation.


5) Sending/receiving, Signature and legally compliant archive (POST /invoices_signature_legal_storage)

It will also be possible to carry out the entire process of signing, sending to SDI and legally compliant archiving via a single call.


6) Importing Active and Passive Invoices from other systems

If you are switching from an old system to the Openapi API, no problem: you can import the history of active (/customer_invoice_imports) and passive (/supplier_invoice_imports) invoices with the possibility of also sending them to Storage.

Openapi's API enables interfacing with any type of invoicing system and easy integration of electronic invoicing into your e-commerce or ERP system.

Our prices

Price list for single API calls

  • Sending XML invoice to SDI € 0,07 + vat
  • Receipt of XML Invoice € 0,07 + vat
  • Legal storage Invoice € 0,035 + vat
  • Invoice Signature € 0,02 + vat
  • Download invoices in PDF or XML € 0,001 + vat
  • XML invoice import € 0,07 + vat

Subscribe and save

  • 5.000 Sending or receiving XML Invoices (pay annually) € 0,06 + vat
  • 20.000 Sending or receiving XML Invoices (pay annually) € 0,045 + vat
  • 50.000 Sending or receiving XML Invoices (pay annually) € 0,03 + vat
  • 100.000 Sending or receiving XML Invoices (pay annually) € 0,025 + vat
  • 5.000 Sending or receiving XML invoices with legal signature and storage (pay annually) € 0,09 + vat
  • 20.000 Sending or receiving XML invoices with legal signature and storage (pay annually) € 0,075 + vat
  • 50.000 Sending or receiving XML invoices with legal signature and storage (pay annually) € 0,065 + vat
  • 100.000 Sending or receiving XML invoices with legal signature and storage (pay annually) € 0,055 + vat